Louis Gerstner writes

Abolish all local school districts, save 70 (50 states; 20 largest cities). Some states may choose to leave some of the rest as community service organizations, but they would have no direct involvement in the critical task of establishing standards, selecting teachers, and developing curricula.

His op-ed does not contain the word “parent.” In my opinion, the more we subtract parents from the education process, the worse it will get.

DB investment advisors writes (I had to get past a legal-disclaimer wall to find the document),

One of the reasons that the “green sweet spot” is an attractive focus for an economic stimulus is the labor-intensity of many of its sectors. For instance, the Apollo Alliance estimates that every $1 million invested in the US in energy efficiency projects creates 21.5 new jobs, as compared to only 11.5 jobs for new natural gas generation. The University of California Berkeley’s Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory also finds that renewable energy technologies create many more jobs per average megawatt of power generated and per dollar invested than coal or natural gas. Finally, a 2008 Center for American Progress report states that a $100 billion investment in clean energy and efficiency would result in 2 million new jobs, whereas a similar investment in old energy would create only 540,000 jobs.

So our goal should be to waste labor. From a sane economic perspective, the “job-creation benefits” of green technology should be counted as costs. But what Bryan Caplan calls the make-work fallacy dies hard.