A tale from my younger days, dear readers. (I mean, it would have to be from my younger days, wouldn’t it?)
Upon joining the Marines, I went though boot camp in San Diego, followed by three weeks of additional combat training at nearby Camp Pendleton. After this, I was bussed to 29 Palms, California, out in the middle of the desert, for my next round of training. One of the new experiences I had at 29 Palms was that we were put up in barracks. At boot camp and MCT, everyone sleeps in squadbays – large open rooms with rows of bunk beds. But now, we were at a proper barracks, with individual barracks rooms. Granted, in the Marine Corps it was common for lower ranking enlisted Marines to be assigned three or four to a single room, but compared to what we had experienced so far this was an incredible luxury.
One day early on, we were suddenly awakened at 5am. The Marines who ran the training program were having everyone line up in the hallways and one by one, they went through each room, calling in the Marines who lived in that particular room, and searched it top to bottom. They’d make you remove the locks that kept your wall locker secure so they could search through everything. They were looking for any unauthorized materials anyone might have – underage Marines trying to hide booze was the most common thing they’d discover. These kinds of searches would occur every so often for as long as I lived in the barracks.
I didn’t think much of it at the time. But I later came to an interesting realization. It’s often said that while you’re in the Marines, you don’t have any rights, and those in command can do whatever they want, etc. But that’s not true. There actually are various rules and safeguards that must be followed during military investigations, thresholds that must be cleared, rules about how evidence must be collected to be admissible, and so on. So, what was going on here? This was simply a mass search, without any particular probable cause or evidence of wrongdoing to precipitate it. Thus if they did find that you had a bottle of Jack Daniels hidden in your underwear drawer, wouldn’t that be inadmissible and prevent them from bringing you up on charges?
Well yes, it would – but only if they were actually conducting a search. But that morning in 29 Palms and on all the other occasions, they weren’t searching the barracks. You see, what they were actually doing was performing a “health and comfort inspection,” and no special threshold has to be crossed to carry out a health and comfort inspection beyond “I feel like it.” But when they made you remove the locks from your gear and went searching to ensure that no wasps had set up a nest in your underwear drawer, if they just so happened to find a bottle of Jack Daniels, then in that case it absolutely could be used to charge you. Because they didn’t find it while conducting a search! They were only trying to ensure your health and comfort!
The result of this, of course, is that while de jure there were rules and restrictions regarding searches and the admissibility of evidence obtained in a search, de facto it was open season and you could be effectively searched at any time without restriction. The “health and comfort inspection” provided a shortcut around any need for things approaching probable cause or evidence of wrongdoing to warrant a search. And it also showed that when a shortcut around some legal protection exists, that shortcut swiftly becomes the main route.
This is one reason I reflexively oppose anything that might loosen or lower the legal protections for those accused of crimes. As soon as an exception opens up, or a loophole is created, or a shortcut presents itself, that will immediately become the main path taken. You shouldn’t crack open any of those doors unless you’re willing for them to be thrown wide open – and you should remember to ask if you want to leave that door open when someone who is your worst political nightmare rises to power.
David Henderson
Dec 27 2024 at 11:29am
Well said.
Dec 27 2024 at 11:54am
I don’t disagree, you see the same in the civilian world via the “plain sight / incidental / consensual / third-party / officer safety search” rules as well as the fact evidence can be gathered during a wellness check or even witness questioning. Purely specific to the military you knew it was in bad faith as they never did welfare checks of married junior enlisteds housing, on or off base though the same authority existed.
That said what really surprised me more in your story was the fact you actually had said welfare checks outside a training environment and both randomly and routinely. On the Army side, at least in my unit, it was something that only happened once a year and it was scheduled well in advance and notification as it generally, at least in appearance to us at the time, really was about inspecting the facilities for safety (i.e. structural issues such as interior paint, flooring, bed frames and mattresses, etc). The only impromptu ones I ever seen was when someone didn’t show up to muster in the mornings so usually a junior NCO would check their room to make sure they weren’t dead from an alcohol or drug related accident. Mind you that was all in the 90s.
Dec 27 2024 at 12:58pm
“This was simply a mass search, without any particular probable cause or evidence of wrongdoing to precipitate it. ”
As an aside on NYC subway one is subject RANDOM search, no reasonable susoicion required.
Dec 28 2024 at 9:02pm
Pretext is the path of least resistance around any legal protection. Whether under the guise of a health and comfort inspection, a public health emergency, or a minor traffic violation, it empowers authority to circumvent the spirit of the law without violating the letter of the law.
I can’t imagine a worse pretextual nightmare than the last 4 years (ie. Emergency powers imposed during Covid 19, American Rescue Plan, Build Back Better, Inflation Reduction Act, Green New Deal, Student Loan Forgiveness).
BTW, I see in the image provided that the columns in the background are labeled Port and Starboard. I wish that had been the case when I went through boot camp. It would have saved many of us from incurring the wrath of our DI by forgetting which side of the barracks we bunked on.
David Seltzer
Dec 29 2024 at 10:34am
Monte, Port and starboard vexed we boots in basic training. Portside is to the left. Aboard ship port lights are red. We learned that port wine is red hence, red lights meant to the left. Other nomenclature, bulkhead, overhead, hatch, deck and the head.
Dec 31 2024 at 1:58am
And these, of course: brig, mess hall, sick bay, bivouac. Happy NY and watch your 6.
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