Bruce Bartlett writes,

The fact is that a lot of people who get into politics don’t really have any ideology…

Rather, their only concern is which party will give them the best chance of winning. Secondarily, they are concerned about which party offers them the best opportunities for advancement once elected…

[In 1994], the prostitutes switched parties as well. The Republican Party became the place where the action is. It was the place to go for those motivated only by ambition. This helped the Republicans for all the reasons that such people had previously been assets to the Democrats.

So the Republican Party is now more victory-oriented and less ideologically-oriented than was the case before 1994, when the situation was reversed. For those of us who lean libertarian, I am not sure this is a good thing. As I’ve said before, Democrats, when they win, tend to listen to their economists. Republicans seem to ignore theirs.

I guess what Bartlett would say is something like, “Libertarians can’t win. Get over it.”