Over at the Hero System discussion boards, there’s been a long-running thread asking whether “people of color play role-playing games?” One vignette from a black gamer really struck me, and it’s full of grist for the social science mill:
IMHO, the reasons we don’t play is:
1. We don’t want to be a geek or an outsider. It is a social death sentence. The peer group is incredibly important. And so is a hard appearance.
2. When I started gaming, there wasn’t any black iconic characters, fantasy literature, major black characters in comics or sci-fi. There wasn’t much, if anything, representing us.
3. Usually you are introduced to the hooby by a friend or family member. Since you did have a black friend playing, odds are you weren’t going to play.
At least for this black gamer, there was a high cost of deviating from the norm of his sub-culture:
The black kids in my neighborhood resented me because I was singled out for special treatment. I would get to the local school and go into a special area with the rest of the “gifted” kids to await the bus that would take me to my actual school. And since I was the only black kid on that bus, I would hang around and socialize with the white kids there. This got me labeled as a sellout and token and all the other demeaning labels. Some of the neighborhood kids’ parents stopped inviting me to parties and gatherings, because my mom was supposedly “making us white”. To make things worse, because of the busing situation, my friends lived several miles away, so seeing them on a regular basis was not going to happen.
But the flip side is also mixed. While dealing with other non-black gamers, I have had to endure casual racism, stereotyping, and gross underestimations of my intelligence. But I love the hobby, so I continued.
In my book, that’s a happy ending. And I’m confident that the internet is going to make life a lot easier for the next generation of nerds of all races.
Eric Crampton
Sep 20 2006 at 10:43pm
Re: 2…Drizzt Do’Urdan?
Omer K
Sep 21 2006 at 1:20am
Viva la Internet!
Sep 21 2006 at 10:14am
In my own experience, most of the black male gamers I have played with over the years have been… how do I put this delicately? So outwardly nerdy in appearance that to try and fit in with the normal black sub-culture would be to deviate from the norm of their own nerd sub-culture. I don’t know if they were picked on any more than the rest of us, though.
Strangely on topic: Weird Al’s video for his new hip-hop parody song White and Nerdy, viewable courtesy of YouTube:
Lace Andrews
Sep 21 2006 at 1:54pm
Mom! I’m going to go play kickball with the Internet! OK?
Sep 24 2006 at 11:46am
The issue shouldn’t be about Black and White. It should be about how to punish the nerds of all races.
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