I had a stimulating, well-reasoned interview with noted liberal activist and ordained minister Barry Lynn, host of “Culture Shocks.” I continue to be surprised by the bipartisan reaction to my book – has Bush inadvertently opened liberal eyes to the folly of the median voter?
I’m particularly pleased by the end of the interview, when I help Lynn overcome what Arnold calls anti-finance bias. Maybe Barry was just doing his job, but I really got the feeling that if he gave me a semester, I could turn him into one of the best economists on the air.
Too bad his opportunity cost is so high!
Daniel Klein
Jul 12 2007 at 2:20am
Byran: Please, never surrender the term “liberal.” Never. It may not work to call ourselves liberal, but never surrender it to them.
BTW, I just got back from a week-long seminar in CZ Repub organized by the Liberal Institute. In the heart of Europe, liberal still means liberal.
Thanks, Dan
Jul 14 2007 at 4:38pm
Todays’s liberals are really socialists, utopians, or communists. Yesterday’s liberals are probably closer to today’s libertarians.
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