The Association of Private Enterprise Education writes,

The 2010 Policy Communicators Contest invites college professors and graduate students from all disciplines to submit essays on the relationship between public policy and economic growth. It is of particular interest to compare and contrast individual countries, states, regions or major metro areas–why some are succeeding and others are failing. Diverse public policies have resulted in an equally diverse set of outcomes affecting economic performance. Therefore, it is of great importance to discern what lessons can be drawn from specific experiences. Winning entries will analyze the economic effect of specific public policies, incorporating new and existing research into a compelling narrative for a general audience.

First Prize: $15,000
Second Prize: $7,500
Third Prize: $4,000

More details at the link. In my opinion, Book 1 is exactly on topic (Russ and I discussed it in our recent econtalk podcast), but neither Book 1 nor its authors meet the contest eligibility criteria. So I encourage readers to win APEE’s money.

A while back, Bryan wondered,

Suppose you had a billion dollars to spend in Washington to advance liberty. What’s the biggest libertarian policy reform your billion could buy? How precisely should you spread your money around?

Personally, I would try to obtain the reforms in Book 2, which would devolve more power away from central government, and which Reihan Salam characterizes as “unconstrained by political realism.”