For Economics Teachers Arnold Kling By Arnold Kling, Jan 15 2011 SHARE POST: We call this the I, Toaster video. It would be a great discussion starter for an economics class, just because it does not intend to teach an economics lesson. Thanks to Don Boudreaux for the pointer.
Jan 16 2011 Labor Market AS vs. PSST, again Arnold Kling The debate is hotting up, as our friends across the pond would say. Some random comments. 1. The Washington Post reports that some on the left want to see older workers encouraged to retire, to make room for young workers. If you believe in AS-AD, I suppose that makes sense. If you believe in PSST (or anything lik... 13 Read More
Jan 16 2011 Institutional Economics Denmark Arnold Kling Scott Sumner writes, Denmark is much more decentralized. The same sort of policies adopted in Denmark would work less well in the US, because we are much more centralized, and hence far less democratic (if you define democracy properly, where people can affect their government.) Denmark has nothing like the LA schoo... 7 Read More
Jan 15 2011 Economic Growth For Economics Teachers Arnold Kling We call this the I, Toaster video. It would be a great discussion starter for an economics class, just because it does not intend to teach an economics lesson. Thanks to Don Boudreaux for the pointer. 0 Read More