Sociologist Frank Furedi frequently contributes to Spiked, one of the most interesting on line publications. He is always well worth reading, but I would particularly recommend this article of his on the last European election.

Furedi calls out attention on the widening gaps between the European elites and the several demos of the several European nations. Labeling euro-critics as “populist” is a shortcut for the elites, who plays with the “medicalization” of voters that aren’t quite on its same page. Now, Furedi acknowledges that the euro-critic vote wasn’t homogenous: European elections are still, by and large, interpreted as national elections. But one thing Europeans have in common, regardless of the government they live under, is the impression their ruling classes aren’t adequate and are pretty distant from their needs and their demands.

Furedi considers

“this reaction against an arrogant elite that treats the public as its moral inferiors is on balance a healthy development. Populism serves as a medium for responding to the EU oligarchy’s culture war against sections of European society.”

I am not completely sure about that. Some of the euro-skeptic groups certainly have no “uncompromising commitment to liberty”, as Furedi hopes a new “popular movement” may show. However, the situation is quite ironic. The “arrogant elites” that “medicalize” “morally inferior Eurosceptic citizens” are perhaps the elite most committed to “democracy” ever: however, they entertain the idea that “democracy” will never been fully obtain, until the majority of people think and vote like they do. Their “anti-democratic” opponents ask basically to be able to express their ideas through the ballot box. Some voters choose this latter, but it is arguable that they won’t do so, if they perceived that their favorite party could actually reach decisional power: they vote to voice their malaise, not to choose an alternative set of public policy.

So, basically the current ruling class appears inadequate – but so do its competitors. This should bring us to reflect to a point is seldom touched upon: these contradictions would make politics a very amusing game to watch, if only commanded a smaller size of GDP.