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Supply-side Economics

The Case for Tax Cuts

By Arnold Kling | Jan 26, 2003

For an antidote to the interventionist Atlantic Monthly, see this open letter signed by a number of conservative economists. As a rule, government cannot create wealth or expand the economy. Only the private sector can do that. Government can, however, hinder economic growth through excessive taxes, high marginal tax rates, over-regulation, or unnecessary spending. Accordingly, .. MORE

Cross-country Comparisons

U.S. Best–or Worst?

By Arnold Kling | Jan 26, 2003

In the Atlantic Monthly’s “State of the Union” issue, Ted Halstead says that for the American economy it is the best of times and the worst of times. We boast more patent applications than the entire European Union; almost three times as many Nobel laureates as Britain, our closest competitor; and more business start-ups per .. MORE

Information Goods, Intellectual Property

The Economics of Web Logs

By Arnold Kling | Jan 26, 2003

EconLog is a Web Log, or Blog. My view is that some of the value of blogs comes from the collective filtering that they provide. I sketch a sort of economic model, in which everyone lives on a circle, with information needs similar to people who are closest on the circle. I live in the .. MORE

Books: Reviews and Suggested Readings

The Case for Teaching Economics

By Arnold Kling | Jan 26, 2003

When asked by’s John Brockman what he would do if he were science advisor to the President, Steven Pinker’s reply included: Observers from our best science writers to Jay Leno are frequently appalled by the innumeracy, factual ignorance, and scientific illiteracy of typical Americans. This has implications in countless areas of the public and .. MORE

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