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Advertising, Bittlingmayer, George Agricultural Price Supports, Thompson, Robert L. Airline Deregulation, Kahn, Alfred E. Antitrust, McChesney, Fred S. Apartheid, Hazlett, Thomas W. Asset-Backed Securities, Zweig, Phillip L. Austrian Economics, Walker, Deborah L. B Balance of Payments, Stein, Herbert Bank Runs, Kaufman, George G. Benefit-Cost Analysis, Portney, Paul R. Bonds, Smith, Clifford W. Brand Names, Klein, Benjamin Business Cycles, Romer, Christina D. C Capital Flight, McLeod, Darryl Capital Gains Taxes, Cordes, Joseph J. Capitalism, Hessen, Robert Comparable Worth, O'Neill, June Ellenoff Competing Money Supplies, White, Lawrence H. Competition, High, Jack Competitiveness, Lawrence, Robert Z. Computer Industry, Gilder, George Conscription, Jehn, Christopher Consumption Tax, Ehrbar, Al Corporate Debt, Poulsen, Annette Corporate Taxation, Norton, Rob Corporations, Hessen, Robert Crime, Friedman, David D. D Defense, Zycher, Benjamin Demand, Henderson, David R. Deposit Insurance, Kaufman, George G. Disaster and Recovery, Hirshleifer, Jack Discrimination, Gorman, Linda Distribution of Income, Levy, Frank Drug Lag, Henninger, Daniel E Eastern Europe, Lipton, David Economic Growth, Romer, Paul M. Efficiency, Heyne, Paul Efficient Capital Markets, Jones, Steven L. and Jeffry M. Netter Electric Utility Regulation, Michaels, Robert J. Energy, Leone, Robert A. Entrepreneurship, Casson, Mark Environmentalism, A Preface, Henderson, David R. Environmentalism, Free-Market, Stroup, Richard L. European Economic Community, Eichengreen, Barry Exchange Rates, Krugman, Paul F Fascism, Richman, Sheldon Federal Budget, Cogan, John F. Federal Debt, Eisner, Robert Federal Deficit, Kotlikoff, Laurence J. Federal Reserve System, Johnson, Manuel H. Fiscal Policy, Weil, David N. Forecasting and Econometric Models, Hymans, Saul H. Foreign Investment in the United States, Ott, Mack Free Market, Rothbard, Murray N. Free Trade, Blinder, Alan S. Free Trade Agreements and Customs Unions, Irwin, Douglas A. Futures and Options Markets, Millman, Gregory J. G Game Theory, Dixit, Avinash and Barry Nalebuff Gender Gap, Goldin, Claudia German Economic "Miracle", Henderson, David R. Gold Standard, Bordo, Michael D. Government Spending, Tullock, Gordon Great Depression, Samuelson, Robert J. Greenhouse Effect, Schelling, Thomas C. Gross Domestic Product, Anderson, Lincoln H Health Care Industry, Danzon, Patricia M. Health Insurance, Goodman, John C. Housing, Salins, Peter D. Human Capital, Becker, Gary S. Hyperinflation, Salemi, Michael K. I Immigration, Borjas, George J. Industrial Concentration, Gilligan, Thomas W. Industrial Policy, McKenzie, Richard B. Industrial Revolution and the Standard of Living, Nardinelli, Clark Inflation, Ranson, David Information, Stiglitz, Joseph E. Insider Trading, Haddock, David D. Insurance, Zeckhauser, Richard Interest, Heyne, Paul Investment, Auerbach, Alan J. J Japan and the Myth of MITI, Henderson, David R. Job Safety, Viscusi, W. Kip Junk Bonds, Yago, Glenn K Keynesian Economics, Blinder, Alan S. L Labor Unions, Reynolds, Morgan O. Law and Economics, Friedman, David D. Liability, Viscusi, W. Kip M Marginalism, Rhoads, Steven E. Marginal Tax Rates, Reynolds, Alan Marxism, Prychitko, David L. Mercantilism, LaHaye, Laura Microeconomics, Harberger, Arnold C. Minimum Wages, Gorman, Linda Monetarism, Meltzer, Allan H. Monetary Policy, Tobin, James Money Supply, Schwartz, Anna J. Monopoly, Stigler, George J. N Natural Gas Regulation, Michaels, Robert J. Natural Resources, Baumol, William J. and Sue Anne Batey Blackman Negative Income Tax, Allen, Jodie T. Neoclassical Economics, Weintraub, E. Roy New Classical Macroeconomics, King, Robert New Keynesian Economics, Mankiw, N. Gregory O Occupational Licensing, Young, S. David OPEC, Zycher, Benjamin Opportunity Cost, Henderson, David R. P, Q Patents, Henderson, David R. Pensions, McMillan, Henry Perestroika, Goldman, Marshall I. Phillips Curve, Hoover, Kevin D. Political Behavior, Stroup, Richard L. Pollution Controls, Crandall, Robert W. Population, Lee, Ronald Demos Poverty in the United States, Sawhill, Isabel V. Present Value, Henderson, David R. Price Controls, Rockoff, Hugh Prisoners' Dilemma, Dixit, Avinash, and Barry Nalebuff Privatization, Pirie, Madsen Productivity, Nasar, Sylvia Profits, Thurow, Lester C. Program Trading, Furbush, Dean Progressive Taxes, Slemrod, Joel B. Property Rights, Alchian, Armen A. Protectionism, Bhagwati, Jagdish Public Choice Theory, Shaw, Jane S. Public Goods and Externalities, Cowen, Tyler Public Schools, Chubb, John E. R Rational Expectations, Sargent, Thomas J. Reaganomics, Niskanen, William A. Recessions, Moore, Geoffrey H. Recycling, Shaw, Jane S. Redistribution of Income, Lee, Dwight R. Rent Control, Block, Walter Research and Development, Levy, David M. Riskless Society, Wildavsky, Aaron S Sanctions, Elliott, Kimberly Ann and Gary Clyde Hufbauer Saving, Kotlikoff, Laurence J. Savings and Loan Crisis, Ely, Bert Socialism, Heilbroner, Robert Social Security, Weaver, Carolyn L. Spatial Economics, Kasper, Wolfgang Sportometrics, Tollison, Robert D. Sports, Scully, Gerald W. Stock Prices, Siegel, Jeremy J. Supply, Ehrbar, Al Supply-Side Economics, Gwartney, James D. T Takeovers and Leveraged Buyouts, Jarrell, Gregg A. Taxation, A Preface, Minarik, Joseph J. Telecommunications, Haring, John Third World Debt, Rogoff, Kenneth Third World Economic Development, Crook, Clive The Tragedy of the Commons, Hardin, Garrett Trucking Deregulation, Moore, Thomas Gale U, V Unemployment, Summers, Lawrence H. Unemployment Insurance, Francis, David R. Unintended Consequences, Norton, Rob W, X, Y, Z Wages and Working Conditions, Lebergott, Stanley About the Biographies: Editor's Note
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The cuneiform inscription in the Liberty Fund logo is the earliest-known written appearance of the word "freedom" (amagi), or "liberty." It is taken from a clay document written about 2300 B.C. in the Sumerian city-state of Lagash.
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