Thanks for watching our recent AMA video I was pleased to record with David Henderson last week.
This week, Econlib contributor Steve Horwitz has kindly agreed to film an AMA interview with me this week, which we will then share here.
Our topic of discussion will be, as titled above. We’ll start with the questions, what are the greatest economic fallacies you see swirling around discussion of the coronavirus? And, what are the best pedagogical means to combat those same fallacies?
What else would you like to ask Horwitz? Please email your questions to me at awillis@libertyfund.org. We’ll compile the questions to keep our interview dynamic. We’ll be recording later this week, so the deadline for question submissions will be Friday at 11am, EST.
Adam H.
Mar 24 2020 at 10:26am
Any suggestions on a good economics book for high school students, taking their attention span into account? 🙂
Mar 24 2020 at 11:08am
Fallacies (bad reasons to depart from laissez fair) have been around forever; they are endemic and a vaccine is not likely soon. The best way to prevent fallacies from leading to bad policies, is to show the alternative policies that should be adopted if only the good reasons for departing from laissez faire are adopted.
And again, I plead for this material to be made available in text.
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