Will Wilkinson's Intellectual Standards Arnold Kling By Arnold Kling, Sep 13 2008 SHARE POST: David Brooks is not up to them. Shock me, shock me.
Sep 14 2008 Finance: stocks, options, etc. Today's Freddie-Fannie Commentary Arnold Kling Mark Thoma writes, if someone without a life-preserver who is struggling in the water grabs someone who is wearing one, and in the process takes them both down, that doesn't mean that the life-preserver failed to do its job. What he means by this metaphor is that the unregulated Wall Street firms created the housing ... 6 Read More
Sep 13 2008 Economic Methods How I Lost My Macro Religion Arnold Kling At lunch, Nick Schulz asked me what Robert Hall is known for. I said that Hall changed my view of macroeconomics. Even today, Hall's work influences how I think about global warming. So pull up a chair, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and let me reminisce.Greg Mankiw has an essay called The Scientist and the E... 9 Read More
Sep 13 2008 Behavioral Economics Will Wilkinson's Intellectual Standards Arnold Kling David Brooks is not up to them. Shock me, shock me. 1 Read More