Me on Middle-Class Jobs Arnold Kling By Arnold Kling, Nov 23 2011 SHARE POST: Interviewed by Phil Bowermaster here. I elaborate on my thesis that the Great Depression was a major transition and that we currently are undergoing another major transition.
Nov 24 2011 Energy, Environment, Resources Outsourcing our Carbon Emissions Arnold Kling The blogger at The Oil Drum writes: We are dealing with a large number of countries with very different energy intensities. The big issue would seem to be outsourcing of heavy manufacturing. This makes the energy intensity of the country losing the manufacturing look better. Outsourcing transfers manufacturing to a co... 7 Read More
Nov 24 2011 Macroeconomics What Happened to State and Local Governments? Arnold Kling Michael Mandel writes, real state and local government output, as measured by the BEA, has been effectively flat since 2001. To put it a different way, the stagnation at the state and local government level started way before the 2007 recession. Pointer from Mark Thoma. I suspect that there are two reasons for this. ... 5 Read More
Nov 23 2011 Labor Market Me on Middle-Class Jobs Arnold Kling Interviewed by Phil Bowermaster here. I elaborate on my thesis that the Great Depression was a major transition and that we currently are undergoing another major transition. 3 Read More