Intellectual Ability and Educational Difficulty Bryan Caplan By Bryan Caplan, Apr 13 2012 SHARE POST: Eli has a good comment on my signaling model with changing intellectual ability: The math seems right, but I don’t understand why you would assume that K is constant. It should be an increasing function of A, no? My intuition is that as ability increases, people have to do more and more costly stuff to differentiate themselves. If K is increasing in A, then it’s not at all clear that as A rises more people will signal. This is definitely plausible in theory. But in the real world, academic standards actually seem to fall at a given education level as education levels rise. A B.A. ain’t what it used to be; neither is a high school diploma. Better students respond to stagnant or falling standards by acquiring additional degrees. So if anything my model understates the response of diploma completion with respect to ability.
Apr 13 2012 Finance: stocks, options, etc. My New Hero and New Villain Arnold Kling The hero is Edward J. DeMarco, the acting regulator of Freddie and Fannie, who has tried to resist pressure for principal reduction on mortgages. For example, Annie Lowrey reports, Mr. DeMarco warned that allowing principal reduction might encourage some homeowners to stop paying their mortgages for the assistance, in... 2 Read More
Apr 13 2012 Behavioral Economics The Intellectual Danger of Label-Avoidism Bryan Caplan In my defense of labels, I claimed that, "Will's implicit label is "label-avoidism." Adam Ozimek at Modeled Behavior explains the unique intellectual dangers of this label:[T]o define oneself as, for example, "of no party or clique", as Andrew Sullivan does, creates in others a social expectation of holding bel... 17 Read More
Apr 13 2012 Economics of Education Intellectual Ability and Educational Difficulty Bryan Caplan Eli has a good comment on my signaling model with changing intellectual ability: The math seems right, but I don't understand why you would assume that K is constant. It should be an increasing function of A, no? My intuition is that as ability increases, people have t... 4 Read More