The Scottish referendum is scheduled for September 18. Its implications are wide ranging. Most people are convinced that the Scots will ultimately vote ‘no,’ thus preserving their Union with England. But if the unlikely scenario of Scotland going for independence may come true, we could dream of something like a domino effect. Regions like Catalonia in Spain, but ultimately also Veneto in Italy, will be increasingly vocal in arguing for their own sovereignty, instead of staying stuck in “nation states” where their people increasingly feel they don’t belong. The EU–which is after all a cartel of nation states–is going to play with the conservative team–but as the EU is not very popular nowadays, I don’t think this is going to produce a very big impression on Scots.

I shall perhaps stop my secessionist day-dreaming: quite apart from the possibility of reshuffling of sovereignty in Europe, the battle in the Scottish referendum is a political one, and thus is fought on propaganda and little symbols. So the the City AM reports that:

Scotland is getting its own internet domain name, with both independence campaigning groups Yes Scotland and Better Together taking on the new .Scot suffix from today.

Other early adopters of the new domain include the Scottish government, NHS Scotland, and the Commonwealth Games legacy website – and more than 50 organisations are already signed up.

The domain will become available to anyone, living in Scotland or elsewhere, in September.