EconLog Guest Stint #2 Ends This Month: Requests? Art Carden By Art Carden, Nov 21 2014 SHARE POST: My second guest stint with EconLog ends this month. I have about a week left and will take requests: what would you like to read about?
Nov 22 2014 Book Club Herbert Spencer on Amazon (and Uber) Alberto Mingardi I've been re-reading some of Herbert Spencer's works, for a LibertyMatters discussion that began with a very insightful article of George H. Smith. In Spencer's The Study of Sociology I've stumbled upon this rather amusing quotation that I'd like to share: the difficulties of altering the settled routine are, if not in... 3 Read More
Nov 21 2014 Economic and Political Philosophy The Lawful Neutral Case for Deferred Action Bryan Caplan If life were classic Dungeons & Dragons, many opponents of immigration would be Lawful Neutral. The law is the law; good or bad, everyone has to obey the rules. In his defense of Obama's deferred action policy, Ilya Somin points out that Lawful Neutral Americans should favor non-enforcement of U.S. immi... 25 Read More
Nov 21 2014 EconLog EconLog Guest Stint #2 Ends This Month: Requests? Art Carden My second guest stint with EconLog ends this month. I have about a week left and will take requests: what would you like to read about? 9 Read More