Overview of RSS Feeds for EconTalk
EconTalk offers customizable free audio and text feeds for our weekly podcast episodes. You can subscribe to our audio files or our text feeds. You can also listen online or download any podcast episode at any time from our website.
You can subscribe to as many feeds as you like. You can subscribe to both a listening feed and a text feed. All of our EconTalk feeds are available free of charge.
Please Note: Some of our RSS feed urls have changed since our updated design/platform revisions initiated on June 13, 2018. The revised RSS feed urls are listed and described below.
List of available RSS Feeds for EconTalk
There are two main types of RSS feeds for listening to EconTalk: listening feeds and text feeds. Listening feeds provide links to the mp3 files plus short descriptions. Text feeds additionally provide the option to comment, plus related resources such as links to readings mentioned in the podcast episode and the Highlights–time-marked text summaries of the podcast episode.
- Listening feeds (mp3 files with short descriptions):
- Subscribe via iTunes. Our most common listening feed is iTunes.
- 2015-present, Current (main) subscription file: To subscribe in iTunes, search for EconTalk or add the direct feed: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/econtalk/id135066958For other podcast players, search for EconTalk or add the direct feed: https://feeds.simplecast.com/wgl4xEgL
- To subscribe in your podcast App or mp3 file player to Annual Archives of EconTalk podcast episodes prior to 2015, search for EconTalk in your App or add the direct feed by year:2014: For iTunes. Or, add this feed.2013: For iTunes. Or, add this feed.2012: For iTunes. Or, add this feed.2011: For iTunes. Or, add this feed.2010: For iTunes. Or, add this feed.2009: For iTunes. Or, add this feed.
2008: For iTunes. Or, add this feed.
- Listening feed for other podcast providers, e.g., Stitcher: https://feeds.simplecast.com/wgl4xEgL. This is our primary underlying podcast listening feed, compatible with iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, as well as with many other podcast providers. To use this feed to subscribe to EconTalk via a podcast provider: Paste the url into the field the podcast provider offers to “Add a podcast” or “Subscribe to a podcast.”
- Subscribe via iTunes. Our most common listening feed is iTunes.
- Text feeds (mp3 files with short descriptions, plus many additional resources):
- Full text feed, podcast episodes only. Contains current comment counts. http://www.econtalk.org/feed/econtalk_index_xml
- Excerpts, podcast episodes only. Does not contain current comment counts. http://www.econtalk.org/feed/
- Extras only, full text feed. Extras are usually follow-up materials with thought questions for the classroom or personal use, or with other material such as the results of our annual surveys. Contains current comment count.