By Alvin Rabushka
Economic Freedom in Hong Kong The Fraser Institute's 2024 Economic Freedom of the World (EFW) report,1 its most recent edition, ranks Hong Kong as the world's freest economy in 2022. Since the first report in 1995, Hong Kong has invariably ranked first, with a ra...
By Byron Carson
A Liberty Classic Book Review of Cost and Choice: An Inquiry in Economic Theory, by James M. Buchanan.1 In less than one hundred pages, James Buchanan excoriates economists—classical and modern—for their unrecognized confusions about cost. More than an in...
By Arnold Kling
So we have a way of telling which political activists actually care about society and which are merely trying to portray themselves as caring: The ones who actually care will exert significant effort to make sure that their beliefs are correct. —Michael Hue...
By Janet Bufton
A Book Review of Democracy for Busy People, by Kevin J. Elliott.1 Kevin J. Elliott's 2023 book, Democracy for Busy People, is for anyone interested in liberal democratic politics. The book is worthwhile for classical liberals in particular because it handles topi...
By Arnold Kling
My appointment at Washington University was in the sociology department. During the autumn of my fourth year, I ran into a social work faculty friend of mine in the hallway of my building... she mentioned in passing that the social work school had a job opening that...
By Richard B. McKenzie
In his 2017 Nobel lecture, University of Chicago Professor Richard Thaler focused on how his native discipline, economics, lost its analytical way when economists founded their theories on methodological sand, meaning a premise of not just human rationality, but perfect...
By Alberto Mingardi
A Book Review of Over Ruled: The Human Toll of Too Much Law, by Neil Gorsuch and Janie Nitze.1 Liberties, Thomas Hobbes wrote, "depend on the silence of the law." Nowadays the law is very chatty. Here are three examples from the new book by Supreme Court Justice...
By Art Carden
Economics in One Lesson author Henry Hazlitt said that good ideas must be re-learned every generation. As I tell my economic history students, we're contending for the values of the Enlightenment—life, liberty, equality, and the resulting prosperity. Contrary to what ...
By Arnold Kling
Herbert Stein, an economist who served in the Nixon Administration, wrote a memoir in which he looked back on his experience. He wrote that two main lessons he had learned were: 1. Economists do not know very much. 2. Other people, including politicians who make...
By Gregory Robson
It is not trite to say that businesses are only as good or as bad as their members. Businesses are, after all, human endeavors, and their success or failure depends on the competence and good will of their members. Yet the assaults on hierarchical firms and market econo...
By Michael Munger
Book Review of What Went Wrong with Capitalism? by Ruchir Sharma.1 Capitalism has a "Pretty Pig" problem. The reference is to a state fair livestock contest, where there is a judging of the beauty of adult swine. There are only two entrants, because adult...
By David R. Henderson
A Book Review of The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society, by Joseph E. Stiglitz.1 Introduction Columbia University economics professor Joseph E. Stiglitz has recently published a book titled The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society...
By Leonidas Zelmanovitz and Thomas Lanzi
... if we were able to adjust our accounting processes to the realities of taxpayers' obligations, the government deficit which enters into the savings of business and individuals would be offset by taxpayers' liabilities, the fiscal (revenue and expenditure) decision...
By Richard Gunderman
Frontispiece, Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy. This article was inspired by a recent Virtual Reading Group on Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, led by Richard Gunderman. Learn more about our Virtual Reading Groups at the Online Library of Liberty. To what field o...
By James Broughel
Book Review of The War on Prices: How Popular Misconceptions about Inflation, Prices, and Value Create Bad Policy. Ryan A. Bourne, Ed.1 Price controls have grown increasingly common across large sectors of the economy such as finance and healthcare, espec...
By Arnold Kling
Unlike chimpanzees, which acquire the vast majority of their daily calorie intake from easy-to-find foods such as fruit and leaves, early humans occupied a more complex foraging niche, relying on foods they had to either extract (e.g., buried tubers, or nuts i...