Check this out: The 50 U.S. states have been renamed for countries with similar GDPs. You’ll learn as much about America as you will about the world.
Check this out: The 50 U.S. states have been renamed for countries with similar GDPs. You’ll learn as much about America as you will about the world.
Jan 17 2008
I second Arnold's recommendation of Alex's column in Forbes. But for me, the highlight is the way that he explains the link between population and economic growth, and the demand and supply of innovation. First, demand:The cost of developing drugs for rare and common diseases are about the same, but the revenues aren...
Jan 16 2008
Alex Tabarrok writes, Forget the talk of recession. The world is about to enter a new era in which miracle drugs will conquer cancer and other killer diseases and technological and scientific advances will trigger unprecedented economic growth and global prosperity. When I think about it, I can remember a lot of fina...
Jan 16 2008
Check this out: The 50 U.S. states have been renamed for countries with similar GDPs. You'll learn as much about America as you will about the world.
Jan 16 2008 at 2:50pm
It is an amazing map. I first ran across a version of it in the Chicago Tribune in June, 2007. I subsequently created a lesson plan for teachers, using the Trib’s map and posted it on my blog. Thanks for keeping the issue in view. As you said, you can learn as much about the U.S. as you can about other countries.
Jan 16 2008 at 2:56pm
Cool! I think Norway on Minnesota was particularly appropriate, and I’m a bit surpised at Brazil on New York.
John Pertz
Jan 16 2008 at 3:08pm
It really gives you an appreciation for how large the U.S economy. If that doesnt hammer the point home, nothing will.
Jan 16 2008 at 3:59pm
It’s definitely a cool map – it actually served as part of the inspiration behind this discussion for how to show the relationship between health care expenditures and GDP!
Also, Strange Maps followed up that original map with another that’s been corrected to better match state and country GDPs (plus another that shows how much of the U.S. would be taken up by the economies of the next four biggest GDP countries.)
Jan 16 2008 at 4:39pm
This map is already out of date with the drop of the value of the dollar.
As the dollar continues to drop, the map will continually need up dating.
A listing of relative productivity measures would also give us a heads up and where various states are headed relative to their current “sister” countries.
Gary Rogers
Jan 16 2008 at 10:01pm
Congratulations Tim, who wrote that he made a lesson plan out of this. I hope that more teachers follow suite and it spreads to every school in the country. It conveys so much information in such a concise manner that it has to be a great teaching tool.
Adam Martin
Jan 16 2008 at 10:28pm
Bryan, I guess this means you are an Austrian economist after all.
Jan 16 2008 at 10:48pm
I don’t think New Jersey’s GDP is at all close to Russia.
Jan 17 2008 at 3:19am
I’m on vacation in Istanbul, Turkey and for some reason the government has denied access to this map. Last time I checked, Turkey had the world’s 20th largest economy which is pretty impressive even before you consider the neighborhood. So, what’s so bad about this map? I can’t wait to get back to Austin and extrapolate what the government is thinking. Commence Turkish prison jokes now!
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