Jon Stewart milked much hilarity after Bush publicly anointed himself “the Decider.”  While reading Ralph Raico’s new book, I discovered that compared to Woodrow Wilson, Bush was a modest man:

When foreign affairs play a prominent part in the politics and policy of a nation, its Executive must of necessity be its guide: must utter every initial judgment, take every first step of action, supply the information upon which it is to act, suggest and in large measure control its conduct. The President of the United States is now [in 1900], as of course, at the front of affairs. . . . There is no trouble now about getting the President’s speeches printed and read, every word. . . . The government of dependencies must be largely in his hands. Interesting things may come of this singular change.

Interesting things indeed.

Question: Does it weigh for or against Wilson that he wrote these words in 1900, thirteen years before he wore the crown?