I’ve argued that student essay contests are a sweet deal. Here’s another example: the Economic Communicators Contest, sponsored by the Association for Private Enterprise Education.
I’ve argued that student essay contests are a sweet deal. Here’s another example: the Economic Communicators Contest, sponsored by the Association for Private Enterprise Education.
Dec 7 2006
Monday, January 29, PBS will air a 90-minute documentary on Milton Friedman. These folks sent us a press release. Personally, I never check the TV listings. If it weren't for the fact that the Cardinals were in the World Series this year, I probably would not have watched 90 minutes of television total over the past...
Dec 6 2006
Last week I stumbled upon a little gem outside of Larry Iannaccone's office: a chapter by Rodney Stark and Alan Miller on the religious gender gap. Long story short: Women are more religious than men by virtually every measure in virtually every culture. But the fun doesn't stop there. Once people admit that this ge...
Dec 6 2006
I've argued that student essay contests are a sweet deal. Here's another example: the Economic Communicators Contest, sponsored by the Association for Private Enterprise Education.
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