Starting Monday, I will be away for two weeks. During that time, my blog posting will be sporadic, at best. Bryan and David will have to carry the ball.
Starting Monday, I will be away for two weeks. During that time, my blog posting will be sporadic, at best. Bryan and David will have to carry the ball.
May 13 2011
says having a confirmation bias makes complete sense. When you're trying to convince someone, you don't want to find arguments for the other side, you want to find arguments for your side. And that's what the confirmation bias helps you do. The point is that our reasoning ability evolved in order to make us persuasiv...
May 13 2011
My favorite parts from my Cato Unbound reply to Betsey Stevenson:2. My own research confirms Betsey's first key point: Higher-income and older parents have a smaller happiness deficit. And she is correct to claim that these are precisely the parents most likely to invest heavily in their kids. Nevertheless, we wo...
May 13 2011
Starting Monday, I will be away for two weeks. During that time, my blog posting will be sporadic, at best. Bryan and David will have to carry the ball.
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