Here are the slides from today’s talk on my graphic novel. Enjoy!
P.S. Comments welcome.
Here are the slides from today’s talk on my graphic novel. Enjoy!
P.S. Comments welcome.
Nov 16 2017
Tyler Cowen and I have an ongoing dispute about "immigration backlash." Reading these June Gallup poll results, I'm tempted to hail a "backlash to the backlash."Though preventing illegal immigration was one of the president's key campaign promises, the general desire to decrease immigration is near its historic...
Nov 16 2017
The Economist recently reviewed a biography of Herbert Hoover: Why was it that Hoover, hitherto so talented at overcoming crises, was unable to overcome the Great Depression? Perhaps he had come to believe his own propaganda about ordinary people collectively solving problems without government aid. Or maybe the scale...
Nov 15 2017
Here are the slides from today's talk on my graphic novel. Enjoy!P.S. Comments welcome.
David R Henderson
Nov 15 2017 at 3:14pm
Nov 15 2017 at 5:03pm
Can you expand on:
“Trust is overrated –and so is trust persistence”
My understanding is that social capital & social trust are important and have a lot of positive externalities and economic benefits.
I’ve seen them used in explaining why the Nordic model works so well despite the heavy taxation.
Also according to people like Robert Putnam diversity reduces overall social trust. It would seem preferable to live in a high trust country like Sweden instead of a low trust country like Brazil. If we are to believe people like Acemoglu about the importance of state institutions then a higher trust society is also more preferable since it’s institutions should be more resistant to corruption. It’s not an accident that Brazil has terribly corrupt institutions while Sweden much less so.
I haven’t had a chance to look it up yet but I’d be surprised if overall crime per capita weren’t lower in high trust places vs. low trust societies.
B Krishnan
Nov 16 2017 at 6:44am
This is just incredible. The way the novel concisely and entertainingly explains the pros of open borders is awesome.
We need this novel asap. I know that The Case Against Education is also an important book tackling an all-pervasive issue, but i feel a graphic novel like this can really change many a layman’s mind.
Nov 16 2017 at 7:16am
George, Caplan wrote about Robert Putnam’s diversity-trust finding here: Trust and Diversity.
Summary: “Diversity’s so unimportant for trust, you might not mention it at all”. This is not Caplan’s result; this is Putnam’s result.
Steve Z
Nov 16 2017 at 9:26am
Consider in the future reducing the amount of text on your slides. People tend to fixate on a slide if one is presented, meaning that they will be reading and not listening if your slides summarize your whole talk.
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