If Russ Roberts asks you to do a podcast for EconTalk, you’d be a fool to refuse. He gave me the most perceptive and engaging interview I’ve ever done. (And Robin Hanson tells me the same about his EconTalk podcast, too).
A few highlights:
- Russ tells a great story about the time he criticized the minimum wage at a picnic – and noticed other people inching away from him on the picnic blanket.
- Why voters are much less likely than consumers to “learn from their mistakes.”
- Why the “rationally ignorant” would be agnostic, not dogmatic.
- Russ has me explain why I say that “Irrationality is political pollution.”
- Why democratic fundamentalism, not market fundamentalism, is the real problem of modern politics.
I had a lot of fun last year doing an EconTalk podcast on labor economics, but at least for me, the latest one was way better.
Sheldon Richman
Jun 26 2007 at 1:09pm
It’s on my iPod, ready for me to listen to when I board a plane tomorrow for Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y. I can hardly wait.
Long TIme Reader, first Time comment
Jun 27 2007 at 11:44am
Great podcast. Saved me from what would have been a horrible commute. I may have friends listen to this podcast as opposed to reading the Econ 101 textbook.
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