Drew Carey goes after trade-bashers in a video that would fit well with an intro economics class.
Drew Carey goes after trade-bashers in a video that would fit well with an intro economics class.
Jun 25 2008
He asks, how do you explain the large run up in, say, agricultural commodities which cannot be left "in the ground" until later? Interesting question. Some off-the-cuff observations. 1. The point about the run-up in other commodities raises questions about any oil-specific story. I suppose one can tell a story t...
Jun 25 2008
Felix Salmon writes, What’s needed here is not ad-hoc coalitions along single-issue lines, which is what we’ve had until now: a group of mayors against guns here, a livable-streets group there, a green group, a gay-rights group, and so on. Indeed, what’s needed isn’t more progressive mayors—the world is quit...
Jun 25 2008
Drew Carey goes after trade-bashers in a video that would fit well with an intro economics class.
Jesse Rouse
Jun 25 2008 at 12:11pm
“faith based economic policy”
It’s about 1:17 in… just laughable.
Jun 26 2008 at 8:57am
No job is safe from the scourge of automation, not even the scientists who cultivate it.
John Fast
Jun 27 2008 at 8:53am
The video was very good and could definitely have been better. Especially because there are plenty of people whose response would be, “You’re right, machines are causing unemployment, so we need laws against that!”
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