David Gordon, possibly the world’s greatest fact checker, reviews Tyler’s new book here.
David Gordon, possibly the world’s greatest fact checker, reviews Tyler’s new book here.
Sep 16 2009
Suppose it were legally safe for a private insurer to offer death panels - presumably after talking to marketing to get a better name. (By "legally safe" I mean not just the absence of contrary regulation, but a strong expectation that the death panels wouldn't provoke lawsuits). How much would this have to...
Sep 16 2009
From a New York Times story: He recalls vividly the days in early 2007 at Lehman when his financial models began to throw up more warnings showing delinquencies and defaults, and he remembers colleagues on his desk raising questions about loan quality. But he said the firm's ranking as the top loan originator on Wall...
Sep 16 2009
David Gordon, possibly the world's greatest fact checker, reviews Tyler's new book here.
Sep 16 2009 at 2:06pm
Wasn’t anyone in the Econlog crew put off by Tyler’s used discrimination against autistics too much? He kept coming back to autistics as a victim group wronged by society. Man up, libertarian!
Tyler also wrapped himself in the mantle of autism. I’ve never seen him so I don’t know if he comes off similar to high-functioning people who have been diagnosed. But it felt a little forced. Gordon’s review gets at that when he says “Once one drops personality disorders from the definition of autism, what is left? Evidently it is the ability to classify and the illuminating concentration on detail.” If Tyler does not have the personality defects, then he’s kind of writing a book about ‘look at how I am smart’.
Finally, the disconnect between the title and the subject was remarkable. (Maybe Bryan should have titled his book “How to Influence Voters in a Disordered World”.) And, strangely enough, it would have been great if Tyler had tried to live up to his title: he could have had some fun adding a real how-to chapter at the end instead of the big-think.
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