My official book website,, is up. If you’ve got suggestions for improvement, please share.
My official book website,, is up. If you’ve got suggestions for improvement, please share.
Feb 11 2011
In a hearing before a House Subcommittee headed by Congressman Ron Paul on February 9, Democratic Congressman William Lacy Clay attacked an economist who testified on monetary policy because the economist had written, among other things, the following: And as long as you have no realistic alternative to industrializati...
Feb 11 2011
Suppose you grant every nostalgic memory about the wonder of the Fifties. Stipulate that America was packed with happy prosperous one-earner families, cozily protected by their unions and patriotic employers. There's still one wee problem to worry about: nuclear war with the Soviet Union. Now there wa...
Feb 10 2011
My official book website,, is up. If you've got suggestions for improvement, please share.
Brian D.
Feb 10 2011 at 4:19pm
A few suggestions:
– Instead of the scary academic picture, use the one from your Twitter profile. It’s much less threatening (and appeals to a wider audience).
– Link to your Twitter account!
Otherwise, it certainly looks better than your personal web page (circa 1999?).
Peter Russo
Feb 10 2011 at 4:31pm
I’m not the first to say this but I think the “Less Work and More Fun” should be bold rather than “Than You Think”. I’m not convinced that the latter phrase is attractive to a consumer – just feels random and it’s conceptually incomplete compared to the former.
I suppose it’s too late now but 2 cents nonetheless.
Feb 10 2011 at 4:39pm
I’m looking forward to your book and I plan to buy one.
Just wondering, is there anything in your about homework? How important is it? How much should kids push to finish it all and do it well? How much should parents focus on it?
I’ve tried helping my daughter with homework, but I get too frustrated too quickly when she doesn’t get it as fast as I’d like. We’ve had some pretty ugly evenings. For now, I’ve stopped getting too involved. I figure she’ll understand the content someday and it’s not that important that she gets it all RIGHT NOW.
I was never one to do much homework when I was in school. (Pretty sure I did ok in Caplan’s Econometrics course without doing much homework.) Part of me thinks that was “bad” (because that’s what I was always told) and I should do what I can encourage my kids to be “good” in that respect. But, deep down, I’m just not sure it’s all that important and certainly isn’t worth the yelling and screaming it seems to bring in our house sometimes.
Feb 10 2011 at 4:50pm
I’m very much looking forward to the press this generates. Amy Chua was a lucky break for you – she could not have warmed up the audience any better.
Best of luck Bryan!
Joe Martin
Feb 10 2011 at 5:31pm
I’d very much like to see a Kindle version. I went to Amazon last week intending to pre-order the Kindle edition. I was rather shocked to see that there wasn’t one. (Yet?)
Me and my (pre)order dollars are standing by.
Feb 10 2011 at 5:45pm
I recommend changing the photograph of you since I think it looks too formal. For a book that I expect will be rather contrarian I think coming across as an academic lecturing people on bringing up their children is something to be avoided. Go for a nice happy casual photograph!
Feb 10 2011 at 6:05pm
Where available, link to full reviews. I don’t take excerpts seriously, and I think most people don’t care for blurbs.
Daniel Lurker
Feb 10 2011 at 6:14pm
Maybe one of the photos posted on FB of you playing with your kids? It would be germane to the argument of the book … and just a better photo.
Bryan Caplan
Feb 10 2011 at 8:56pm
Many thanks, kind readers. I tried to get the publisher to use a less formal picture and change the emphasis in the subtitle, but to no avail. But maybe the website can have a different picture.
Matt Skene
Feb 11 2011 at 9:27am
My wife (who is a graphic designer) thought that the text on the reviews and excerpt pages spread too far across the screen, which inhibits readability. Adding an image like on the other pages or using double columns could fix that. I’m looking forward to reading the book.
Chinese parent's child
Feb 11 2011 at 10:22am
The site looks fine. I wish there was more info (e.g. longer or more numerous excerpts) but that’s because I am impatient to read the book. I will read it as soon as I can, and if I deem it worthy (which I most likely will), recommend it for translation. So, if you haven’t already, you might get international rights rolling pretty quickly.
“I tried to get the publisher to use a less formal picture and change the emphasis in the subtitle, but to no avail. But maybe the website can have a different picture.”
Sorry, but the picture is totally appropriate. In the book, you are an academic lecturing parents and adults of reproductive age based on stuff you read in scientific papers – not based on your experience with your own children. This photo, while not appealing, implies a mix of awkwardness and intimidation that is totally appropriate for someone in that position. You are not a reader’s cuddly friend, but a lecturer who thinks he knows best because he read some books.
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