I second Arnold’s recommendation of the Khan video. Some highlights:

4:47: These videos help even an autistic kid. Wow!
5:10: “Here I was, an analyst at a hedge fund; it was very strange for me to do something of social value.” Oh, well, so he doesn’t get Adam Smith.
6:15 to 7:30: How teachers are using it in the classroom. Good for them. It does raise the issue, though, of whether we need the teachers. That could save a lot of money. This segment reminded me of the most impressive high school I ever visited: the Delphian School in Sheridan, Oregon. I sent ahead three or four chapters of my book, The Joy of Freedom: An Economist’s Odyssey, and the discussion showed that the majority of them had read the chapters carefully. It was probably one of the five most fun talks I’ve given in my life. (Not counting my classes, I’ve given about 200 talks.) Before my talk, they gave me a tour of the school. There were are no classes in the usual sense, just students sitting working on their work with the teachers wandering around as consultants. If my fellow economists ever get a chance to speak there, I recommend accepting. Don’t let the fact that it is a Scientology school freak you out as it did me when I first heard that.
9:00: Learn math the way you learn how to ride a bicycle.
12:20: Students helping each other. He doesn’t say this, but this is one reason one-room schoolhouses worked so well.
16:15: “A global one-world classroom.”

My musings:
1. Khan’s style, humor, and smile remind me of Tom Sowell at his peak.
2. I wonder to what extent I can, using this method, teach microeconomics to my MBA students. Thoughts anyone?