Tim Harford makes it. Great 20-minute talk.
It’s been recommended in various places, but I was prompted by Effy Atkinson’s post on Google+.
Tim Harford makes it. Great 20-minute talk.
It’s been recommended in various places, but I was prompted by Effy Atkinson’s post on Google+.
Jul 17 2011
After my article appeared in which I criticized Ian Fletcher's argument for more manufacturing in the United States, Fletcher responded by e-mail and we carried on a back-and-forth debate. It was pretty civil on both sides, something that, unfortunately, is not that common any more. He gave me permission to quote fro...
Jul 17 2011
Journalists usually love a good debate. If there's one protectionist economist for every hundred free-traders, they'll still make an effort to "ask both sides." A glaring exception: Today's piece in The Guardian on the Beckham's fertility. The headline:Beckhams a "bad example" for families: With a fou...
Jul 16 2011
Tim Harford makes it. Great 20-minute talk. It's been recommended in various places, but I was prompted by Effy Atkinson's post on Google+.
Chris Koresko
Jul 17 2011 at 6:13pm
Arnold Kling: Great 20-minute talk.
Agreed. Thanks for the pointer!
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