Tyler Cowen has a good list. He can be trusted to be unbiased on books written by authors with no GMU connection: Kahneman, Brynjolffson and McAfee, and Field.
I would add Friedman and Kraus, Engineering the Financial Crisis, to the list. Does it compete with Klein for what Tyler calls “Best Austrian or Austrian-influenced book?” Here is Pete Boettke’s review.
I would add Francis Fukuyama’s The Origins of Political Order.
Frydman and Goldberg (which book, though?) becomes more significant in light of this year’s Nobel Prize. It acts as a counterweight.
Pietro Poggi-Corradini
Nov 20 2011 at 11:11am
It seems to me that explaining wealth, growth, standards of living, etc…by looking at technology is a bit begging the question. I would like to see a Smith-like treatise “An inquiry on the nature and causes of technological progress” from an economist point of view.
PS: this is my second attempt at posting this comment.
[Sorry–it accidentally got caught by the spam filter. If you email me at webmaster@econlib.org I’ll explain why. –Econlib Ed.]
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