Jason Collins discusses the view that inequality is good because rich consumers stimulate innovation. I allude to this theory in my Khan-Academy style take on inequality for a forthcoming panel.
Jason Collins discusses the view that inequality is good because rich consumers stimulate innovation. I allude to this theory in my Khan-Academy style take on inequality for a forthcoming panel.
Mar 16 2012
Scott Sumner writes: In other words, most economists now see the US trend rate of RGDP [real GDP] growth as being something like 1.5%. After 150 years of 3% trend, that's a startling downshift. Tyler Cowen is no longer a contrarian; The Great Stagnation is now conventional wisdom. The last sentence would be close to ...
Mar 16 2012
Tevi Troy writes, If donors see and use think tanks as pawns in a political war, the value of their product will be diminished in the eyes of the public, journalists and senior government officials. He made this point in our interview two months ago, but the Cato-Koch kerfluffle has made it more salient. Charles Mur...
Mar 16 2012
Jason Collins discusses the view that inequality is good because rich consumers stimulate innovation. I allude to this theory in my Khan-Academy style take on inequality for a forthcoming panel.
Mar 16 2012 at 11:46am
Dr. Kling, What software are you using?
P.S. You do great teaching with this technology.
Arnold Kling
Mar 16 2012 at 12:55pm
I use a Bamboo tablet, Microsoft Paint, and Camtasia Studio. Khan uses the tablet and the studio software.
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