Kauffman Foundation seems to be shutting down its DC operations. I wish I knew more about the goings-on there. I have nothing against Kansas City, but I hope there is no general contraction taking place at Kauffman.
Meanwhile, there is a rumor that the new regime at the Cato Institute wishes to back away a bit from the day-to-day policy scrum and to focus instead on the “war of ideas.” If that is the case, then it is a bit unlike what some folks were fearing a few months back.
Speaking of Cato, I have heard from two separate, highly reliable sources that Brink Lindsey has been, as Soviet-era Kremlinologists would put it, “rehabilitated.” I am happy for both parties in the transaction.
Joe Cushing
Aug 18 2012 at 9:04am
I hope that rumor number two is correct. I think they could get farther by educating the public than by educating congress. I think sometimes the people in government know exactly what they are doing, know it is wrong, but they do it anyway because they know the public thinks it is the right thing to do. That is what they were elected to do anyway. The are elected to do what the public wants. If the public wants programs that add up to tyranny, who are the people they elected to deny them that? I don’t believe you can be a member of congress and not be exposed to the idea that more freedom brings more prosperity and less freedom reduces prosperity–and the evidence that backs this fact up.
Aug 18 2012 at 12:20pm
Ha! Masterfully put.
Patrick R. Sullivan
Aug 18 2012 at 3:01pm
Even Jay Leno isn’t immune to economic reality. The Tonight Show is even older than Medicare, so maybe there’s hope for Paul Ryan’s budget too.
Aug 20 2012 at 8:14am
[Comment removed for policy violations. Awaiting edited comment.–Econlib Ed.]
Troy Camplin
Aug 21 2012 at 10:55pm
There’s also a rumor that there’s a free market research center opening at UT-Dallas called The EDGE Center and that they are making me a Senior Fellow and editor of their journal “Developments in Spontaneous Orders: A Journal of Diversity, Globalization, and Entrepreneurship.”
Hold it, wait . . . those are facts. 🙂
The journal will be online Jan. 2013.
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