I’m looking around for U.S. data on employment benefits as a function of education (or, failing that, income). Data on health insurance as a function of education would be almost as good. The ideal table would look something like:
Education Level % w/Benefit (e.g. health insurance)
high school drop-out 20%
high school grad 45%
Thanks in advance for pointers.
Feb 6 2013 at 3:28pm
Both ACS and March CPS include very detailed variables on education, income, and health insurance status, including whether the health insurance is provided by the employer or through some other source. The microdata is accessible through ipums.org.
Feb 6 2013 at 4:55pm
This isn’t quite what you’re looking for, but BLS can tell you health insurance incidence by occupation (see the Employment Cost Index section), and many occupations have minimum education requirements, so failing a better answer you could get there indirectly.
Patrick McCann
Feb 7 2013 at 10:30am
You should use the SIPP; it has this information. For example, table 2 on this page (http://www.census.gov/sipp/sb94_06.pdf) resembles what you are looking for (health insurance lapses by education level). Conveniently, there is a simple R interface to SIPP data with an tutorial at http://www.asdfree.com/2013/02/analyze-survey-of-income-and-program.html
If you and/or your graduate assistants are unfamiliar with R or the SIPP, let me know and I will write the R program to compile the table for you and send you the code.
A comparison of the three available census sources is shown here. http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/hlthins/about/index.html
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