All of us at EconLog are delighted to welcome Alberto Mingardi as our newest guest blogger.
Mingardi, one of the rising stars of European libertarianism, is the founder and Director General of the Italian free-market think tank, Istituto Bruno Leoni. His latest book, “L’intelligenza del denaro,” was published in 2013. He has authored, edited, and translated several other books, including a monograph on Herbert Spencer and a translation of Antonio Rosmini’s The Constitution Under Social Justice. His areas of interest include the history of economic thought and antitrust and healthcare systems. He is particularly well known for popularizing the work of past scholars under-appreciated by today’s libertarians. (You can click here for an example of some of Mingardi’s suggested readings.) Mingardi holds a PhD in political science from the University of Pavia.
Mingardi’s commentaries have appeared in major Italian newspapers, as well as The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and the Financial Times. Currently an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, Mingardi has also worked with the Heritage Foundation, the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, the Acton Institute, and the Centre for a New Europe.
Minardi is a tireless and devoted advocate of markets and liberty. We look forwrad to his contrbutions over the next several months. You can also follow Mingardi on Twitter @amingardi.
Tracy W
May 31 2013 at 10:38am
This should be good – welcome! The most fervently free-market economist I know is a Frenchman, Frederic Sautet, so I’m looking forward to a perspective from the Italian market.
David R. Henderson
May 31 2013 at 4:05pm
Welcome, Alberto.
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