Great line from Lars Christensen. Read the underlying facts.
Great line from Lars Christensen. Read the underlying facts.
Apr 25 2014
I'm at a conference in San Diego in which the participants are discussing various articles and book chapters on the causes of economic growth. A number of chapters are from Daren Acemoglu and James A. Robinson, Why Nations Fail, which I posted about here. There are a number of things about the book to criticize and I...
Apr 25 2014
I've argued that George R.R. Martin's novels vividly illustrate my case for pacifism. Now G.R.R.M. tells us directly:You're a congenial man, yet these books are incredibly violent. Does that ever feel at odds with these views about power and war? The war that Tolkien wrote about was a war for the fate of civil...
Apr 25 2014
Great line from Lars Christensen. Read the underlying facts.
Steve J
Apr 25 2014 at 12:00pm
There were a lot of people who warned against using QE. I think most of them were not central bankers.
Also the NGDP numbers from Israel look surprisingly smooth.
Apr 25 2014 at 3:09pm
Liquidity traps will be remembered as the real bills doctrine of our times, one of the great blunders in economic thought.
There’s something poetic about Israel having the only CB that understands ZLB right now. Hopefully enlightment will soon follow him to the Fed.
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