Paul Krugman writes:

the attack on Obamacare depended almost entirely on lies, and those lies are becoming unsustainable now that the law is actually working. No, there aren’t any death panels; no, huge numbers of Americans aren’t losing coverage or finding their health costs soaring; no, jobs aren’t being killed in vast numbers. A few relatively affluent, healthy people are paying more for coverage; a few high-income taxpayers are paying more in taxes; a much larger number of Americans are getting coverage that was previously unavailable and/or unaffordable; and most people are seeing no difference at all, except that they no longer have to fear what happens if they lose their current coverage. [emphasis mine]


Many of us argued all along that the right’s chance to kill reform would vanish once the program was actually in place; the horror stories only worked as long as the truth wasn’t visible. And that’s what seems to be happening.

This is from “Beyond the Lies,” August 19, 2014.

In other words, the whole idea of “death panels,” panels that would say no to certain medical procedures for people on Medicare, is, according to Paul Krugman, a horror story.

By the way, this is not my view: I think it makes sense for Medicare to say no to paying for various procedures as long as the government leaves people free to spend their own money. In other words, I do advocate “death panels,” properly understood. And I don’t see them as horrible.

And guess who agrees with me, or at least, who agreed with me in 2013. That’s right. In a speech in a Washington synagogue, Krugman advocated death panels. (See here, from about 2:04 to about 2:23.)