This is Episode 3 of the 5-episode Love Gov series put out by the Independent Institute. It’s titled “Love Gov: A Remedy for Health Choice.”
4:00: He protects people from choices.
4:07: Pediatric dental for people without kids. They didn’t make this up. This is part of Obamacare.
Sep 19 2015 at 12:37pm
I think requiring a large group of people to insure against the same set of risks (even if some of those risks are irrelevant for some people) is hardly irrational. Insurance coverage cannot be infinitely tailored. The exact way ACA categorizes risks is worth discussing, but this video does not add much to that discussion.
Sep 19 2015 at 1:33pm
ThomasH, the video is not meant to add much to the discussion. It is meant to attract people to join the discussion, using the media tactics we do not like.
David R. Henderson
Sep 20 2015 at 4:11pm
I think requiring a large group of people to insure against the same set of risks (even if some of those risks are irrelevant for some people) is hardly irrational. Insurance coverage cannot be infinitely tailored.
True that it can’t be infinitely tailored, but it can be tailored. Evidence is that many people did not have pediatric dental before it was required.
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