Whenever new shocking news breaks, I remember what Robert Higgs wrote back in 1987:
[W]e do know something – at least abstractly – about the future. We
know that other great crises will come. Whether they will be occasioned
by foreign wars, economic collapse, or rampant terrorism, no one can
predict with assurances. Yet in one form of another, great crises will
surely come again… When they do, governments almost certainly will
gain new powers over economic and social affairs… For those who
cherish individual liberty and a free society, the prospect is deeply
The constant miracle, to my mind, is that so much liberty endures…
P.S. Hope to see you at the Open Borders Meetup this weekend. Email me for details.
Nov 19 2015 at 12:56am
It doesn’t “endure” – it has to be refreshed from time to time…
Nov 20 2015 at 4:37am
This seems a bit tone deaf, no?
Two of the terrorists were recent refugees, and the French PM has said that they used the refugee chaos to enter France.
And on the home front, we’ve had three different groups of Syrian’s arrested on their way to the US within the last week:
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