I was on RT, the Russian-government-funded news network, earlier this week, talking about various issues. My segment begins around the 15:00 point and goes to about 22:30.
Some friends have questioned the wisdom of going on a network funded by the Russian government. I understand their concerns. Here’s what I can say: In all the times I’ve been on, they’ve never edited the interviews to distort. Indeed, on average, they are better, at least to me, than other media, government-funded and otherwise, in the United States. One of the worst experiences I ever had with media distortion was with the Los Angeles Times, which isn’t government funded. Another of the worst was with Warren Olney, on a radio station that might get some government funds.
Dec 2 2016 at 5:18pm
RT’s American programs aren’t bad, but the stuff they show in Russia is another story.
Speaking of dishonesty, did anyone see this post on Cuba’s fake stats by the economic historian Vincent Geloso? Yikes…
Dec 2 2016 at 6:03pm
Ach. To clarify my abysmal writing: I am yikes-ing the effect on incentives that the Cuban government’s health care policies had rather than Geloso’s enlightening post…
Bob Murphy
Dec 2 2016 at 8:07pm
David, I think the real outrage in that LA Times story was that his editors didn’t catch this: “Romer has questioned how well fiscal policy works at all, a central tenant of Democratic economic thinking.”
David R. Henderson
Dec 2 2016 at 8:39pm
Thanks. I, at least, took your meaning correctly.
@Bob Murphy,
LOL. I totally missed that.
Dec 3 2016 at 12:05am
You must’ve missed their election coverage.
Dec 3 2016 at 11:09am
Wish I could see that kind of segment on US television.
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