People on the far left tend to overstate the extent to which all of the world’s problems are caused by nefarious US policies. On the other hand, I suspect that average Americans have no idea as to the extent to which the US bullies smaller nations. For instance, I hear people saying that foreign nations “take advantage” of the US in trade agreements, whereas exactly the opposite is true. We use our economic power to force trade concessions from smaller nations. And with respect to GDP at market prices, all nations are “smaller nations”.
Over the past several decades, Switzerland has repeatedly slipped into deflation, partly as a result of a very strong currency. Here is Switzerland’s inflation rate from Trading Economics:
Because Switzerland has a relatively flexible economy, these brief periods of mild deflation have not caused great macroeconomic damage. Nonetheless, in order to prevent a slide into even deeper deflation, the Swiss National Bank has often been forced to cut interest rates to ultra-low levels, and do asset purchases (QE) that are many times larger than anything done in the US or EU. Here’s the Financial Times:
Serial central bank interventions persisted with the sale of freshly minted electronic Swiss francs in an effort to avoid the deflationary implications of steadfast currency strength. These interventions inflated the SNB’s balance sheet to a peak of around 140 per cent of GDP.
Back in 2022, the SNB suffered a loss equal to 17% of GDP when interest rates rose and bond prices fell. So why doesn’t the SNB adopt a monetary policy that would lead to a weaker currency, in order to avoid being forced to have ultra-low interest rates and an extremely bloated balance sheet? Part of the problem seems to be that the SNB misunderstands the fundamental cause of their dilemma (an issue I discuss in detail in my most recent book.) But one contributing factor is US government bullying, pressing Switzerland to strengthen the franc even further:
With rate cuts unlikely to move the dial, and capital controls unthinkable, the choice is between further intervention and genuine free float. In 2020 the US Treasury — rightly — labelled Switzerland a currency manipulator, putting diplomatic pressure on the SNB to desist.
Stop to think for a moment about the bizarre nature of this state of affairs. Over the past 50 years, no currency has been stronger than the Swiss franc. None. And how does the US government respond to this situation? By bullying Switzerland to make its currency even stronger.
When you’ve done something to an extent greater than any other country on Earth, and you are told that your problem is that you aren’t doing enough of that thing, that’s a telltale sign that you are receiving advice from people with a highly flawed model of the economy.
I frequently argue that low interest rates and big QE programs do not represent easy money, and that many conventional economists confuse cause and effect. But why should anyone believe my contrarian take?
Back in January 2015, I said Switzerland made a mistake when it allowed its currency to appreciate sharply, after successfully pegging it to the euro for more than three years. I suggested that this could push Switzerland back into deflation. Conventional economists suggested that this action was required in order to avoid a big increase in the SNB balance sheet. All of my fears proved true. Switzerland immediately slipped back into deflation, which led to a policy of negative interest rates. As investors perceived that the Swiss franc would likely appreciate against the euro, the demand for Swiss currency soared much higher. The SNB responded by expanding its balance sheet to 140% of GDP.
Switzerland is not the only country that the US has bullied into deflation. Our government also pressured the Japanese to strengthen the yen, with similar results.
PS. It’s interesting to look at some current account surpluses (for 2024), as a share of GDP (from The Economist magazine):
Singapore: 19.7% of GDP
Taiwan: 14.2% of GDP
Netherlands: 8.6% of GDP
Switzerland: 7.3% of GDP
Germany: 6.6% of GDP
Japan: 3.2% of GDP
Euro area: 3.1% of GDP
China: 1.2% of GDP
Which country has the smallest trade surplus of this group, as a share of GDP? Which country’s trade surplus is obsessed over by the US media? Which country has both political parties and much of the media labeled an enemy of the US? Notice a pattern? (The actual Chinese surplus may be somewhat larger than 1.2% of GDP due to measurement errors, but it’s still far below many other nations.)
Aug 21 2024 at 3:40am
Why doesn’t Switzerland just buy the rest of the world with newly printed money?
But you are right that the bullying is bad.
Ha, I also notice that whenever there’s a list, Singapore is gonna be number one. In this case I suspect it’s because we are saving so much. Which makes sense, as while many Singaporean are now in prime working age years, our population is set to age drastically, so we really need to prepare for the coming wave of retirements (unless we really step up immigration in the future, and turn our finances into a ponzi scheme.)
Thomas L Hutcheson
Aug 21 2024 at 6:46am
This is in too large part the mirror of the US Current account deficit caused by fiscal deficits and unless there are some large secretly unpopular expenditure in there somewhere (farm?, ethanol subsidies?) that means higher taxes such as:
on net emissions of CO2
higher personal “income” taxes with greater deductions for non-consumption, ie progressive consumption tax (but eliminate taxes on business income)
VAT to fully finance stage and circumstance of life transfers like old-age pensions, health insurance, child allowance, unemployment insurance.
Aug 21 2024 at 7:39am
Actually, China’s trade surplus is underestimated by A LOT!
Scott Sumner
Aug 22 2024 at 12:48pm
I’d guesstimate it’s around 3% of GDP.
Aug 21 2024 at 9:44am
Central bank dirigsme begets cwntral bank dirigisme begetting a bit more dirigsme. I surely must underappreciate the resulience of markets given such direct government intervention.
“Stop to think for a moment about the bizarre nature of this state of affairs. Over the past 50 years, no currency has been stronger than the Swiss franc. None. And how does the US government respond to this situation? By bullying Switzerland to make its currency even stronger.”
That gave me a good chuckle. Currently that paragraph is my favorite paragraph I have read that you have written. Definitely some chutzpah for sure.
Mark Brophy
Aug 21 2024 at 11:20am
You stated several times that Switzerland has “slipped into” deflation rather than, “the Swiss people have enjoyed lower prices.” Who wouldn’t want to pay lower prices? People should strive to produce goods at lower cost and pass along the savings and profits to customers and business owners; it’s the natural course of business and societal progress. The only people who don’t profit from low prices are swindlers that want to repay debts with debased currency.
Aug 21 2024 at 11:39am
Do they also “enjoy” lower wages?
Aug 21 2024 at 11:48am
Who wouldn’t want to pay lower prices if all else was equal? But with deflation, one is paying lower prices out of his lower wages–not advantageous overall. And if the deflation was unexpected, the economy is disrupted.
Scott Sumner
Aug 21 2024 at 3:11pm
“Who wouldn’t want to pay lower prices?”
The American public back in 1932, when the elected FDR by a landslide on a promise to raise inflation?
The Japanese public in 2012, when they elected Abe on a promise to raise inflation?
Thomas L Hutcheson
Aug 22 2024 at 7:47am
Deflation (inflation less than the optimal rate, really) means that markets with goods and services with prices that are downwardly sticky will not clear.
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