Economics Reading Lists by Topic
The Reading Lists by Topic pages contain some suggested readings organized by topic, including materials available on Econlib. Brief reviews or descriptions are included for many items. Many of these materials are advanced and are most suitable for post-college students.
Price Theory and Principles Textbooks
Information, Markets, and Spontaneous Order
Mathematics, Game Theory, and Quantitative Theory
Interest Rates and Uncertainty
International Economics
Public Economics
Public Finance and Public Economics Textbooks, Public Choice
Population and Demographics
Wages and the Marginal Product of Labor
Law and Economics
Law, Property Rights, and Institutions
Industrial Organization
Market Structure, Firms, and Institutional Organization
Economic Growth
Environmental Economics and Natural Resources
Economic History
Macroeconomic and Monetary History
War, Colonialism, and Imperialism
Methodology and History of Thought
Pre-1800 Economic Thought, Including Mercantilism
1800-1900: Economics Classics, including Neoclassical Thought
Laissez Faire and the Role of the State
History of Economic Thought: What is Economics?