If you’ve followed my work, you know that I’m no fan of tariffs.
I think it’s important, though, not to exaggerate their effects.
In “Trump’s Tariffs To Tank Tequila,” Reason, January 28, 2025, Eric Boehm writes:
That’s because President Donald Trump’s threatened tariffs on imports from Mexico will increase prices and could reduce the availability of some tequilas and mezcals, says Gabe Sanchez, owner of the Black Swan Saloon, a legendary cocktail bar in Dallas.
“It’s going to be a very difficult conversation for us to have with people when they come in,” Sanchez told Reason in an interview last week. While his customers might be used to $15 cocktails, Sanchez says tariffs could potentially push menu prices “much higher.” (Sanchez’ favorite drink right now is called “True Romance,” and he was gracious enough to share the recipe, which you can find at the end of this article.)
Elsewhere in the article, Boehm writes:
One of Sanchez’s to-go varieties of mezcal is available from a distributor at $35 per liter right now, he says. If the full cost of a 25 percent tariff gets passed down the supply chain, menu prices will have to increase, or certain drinks will have to disappear.
“If that jumps to $42 [per liter], we can’t make it. We can’t put those in cocktails anymore,” Sanchez explains. To stay competitive with other bars in the area, he knows he can’t price cocktails much higher than about $15 apiece. “If it jumps at that high, we just can’t sell it anymore. You know, somebody is not going to buy a $20 or $22 plus tax mezcal cocktail.”
If the whole tariff were passed on, the price would actually jump from $35 to $43.75. So he underestimated a little but not much.
What would that $8.75 increase translate into per cocktail? At the end of the article, Boehm gives Sanchez’s recipe. It uses 1.5 ounces. There are 33 ounces in a liter. So a bartender who doesn’t waste many drops can get 22 cocktails out of 1 liter. That works out to $8.75 divided by 22 per cocktail, which is 40 cents per cocktail. So the bar could pass on the whole increased cost due to the tariff by pricing the drink at $15.40. It’s hard to believe he would raise the price to $20, let alone $22.
Certainly, a 3% increase in the price of a cocktail would cause some drinkers to balk. But very many?
Jan 28 2025 at 8:09pm
“If the whole tariff were passed on, the price would actually jump from $35 to $43.75. So he underestimated a little but not much.”
I think perhaps the price at the US based distributor will include post-importation taxes imposed by feds/state, liquor of course is subject to peculiar taxation. Perhaps consider that the tariff is imposed as the item crosses the border, odds are its $12, perhaps even less crossing the border. Of course the distributor could just as well take the item and apply whatever standard markup it imposes and then the tariff would get marked up accordingly, but another model would be what UPS might do in the face of high fuel prices where they just charge a fuel surcharge. I can’t know, I don’t know the price the item crosses the border at, but that price is assuredly NOT $35 the price paid at the US based wholesale distributor.
Alan Goldhammer
Jan 29 2025 at 7:53am
I’m pretty sure that most of those that purchase these expensive cocktails would not be able to tell the difference between using a top shelf tequila and a generic brand. It’s the same with vodka, gin and a bunch of other sprits. The bar could just go on a marketing campaign that offers a drink that “tastes the same for a fraction of the price.” A long time ago I worked in a Polynesian restaurant for a summer and the markup for cocktails is huge compared to food service.
For the math inclined, a fifth of liquor is about 25 ounces and a jigger is 1.5 ounce so you get almost 17 drinks from a fifth. A fifth of Tanqueray gin is about $25 so the price of the gin in a standard martini is just a smidge under $1.50. I don’t know the price of a martini is a bar but you can see how much the profit margin is assuming it might be about $5.00 (likely more???).
Thomas L Hutcheson
Jan 29 2025 at 1:08pm
It is better to protect the domestic tequila industry with a production subsidy than with a tariff, particularly as a tariff, unlike a production subsidy, discourages tequila exports even before considering the exchange rate effect discouraging all exports.
Jan 29 2025 at 5:07pm
My wife ran her own jewelry business for a number of years. There’s a basic rule of thumb in that world for the small independent people like her, you take the price of all of the materials + labor it takes to make a piece and then you double it, and that’s your wholesale price. You double it again, and that’s your retail price. So, if the price of gold goes up and it takes an extra $10 worth in a ring, that translates to a $40 retail markup.
Now of course there’s wiggle room and people move things up and down also based on what the market is doing, but I’ve talked with a lot of independent jewelers and wholesalers who follow that rule.
I suspect there is something similar going on with the cocktail bar, except I think markups are even higher. So my guess is that the owner of the bar is automatically giving something like a 10X markup on the cost of the actual alcohol in the drink to cover things like breakage, buybacks, and all of the other operational and incidental costs.
David Henderson
Jan 30 2025 at 2:11am
You write:
That could be going on. It would mean, though, that he’s making a bad decision. Breakage and most of the other costs you mention don’t go up when the price of tequila goes up. He needs to think on the margin.
Jan 30 2025 at 6:47am
Actually, that’s not true and why I specifically mentioned those two things. If you break a bottle of tequila, the replacement cost is more, the cost of buying that drink for a good customer is more, these are all variable costs.
Of course the rule of thumb is there to also make sure you have enough margin to cover your fixed costs, and those don’t rise just because the price of one input rises. But, if you throw out the rule for one product, then your simplifying pricing strategy just got a lot more complicated.
And, I think this is what happens in the real world. Think about any restaurants you go to regularly that had big increases in prices over the last few years. I’d bet that they are a multiple of the increase in the cost of ingredients.
David Henderson
Jan 30 2025 at 6:53am
You’re right about breakage. Also there’s theft, which is typically employee theft.
I would bet, though, that no more than 1 in 10 bottles is lost due to those 2 causes combined. So you still can’t get the increase in variable cost to as much as $1.00 per drink.
You write:
It got more complicated. I don’t think it got a lot more complicated.
Jan 30 2025 at 2:19pm
You got me curious about this, so I searched for how to price drinks at a bar and got several sources explaining the rules of thumb. Seems the standard is you take the liquor cost and divide it by your pour cost (basically 1-your gross margin per drink). Pour costs seem to range from 15%-25%, with the lower number being for fancier places with higher fixed costs like rent. If we take the $0.40 you calculated per cocktail and give a 15% pour rate that equals $2.66 extra per cocktail. Still only half of the $5 quoted in the article, but significant!
john hare
Jan 29 2025 at 8:00pm
I’ve been drinking tea with my restaurant meals for decades. I looked at a ticket that I though a bit high sometime last year and realized I was paying over $4.00 for the tea in some restaurants. I now drink water most of the time.
Mike Burnson
Jan 29 2025 at 9:37pm
Another great insight, Dr. Henderson. I appreciate that, as much as you (and I) dislike tariffs, you still provide a fair, real-world evaluation of the impact. In the instant case, an increase to $16.50 from the current $15 would be very close to four-fold of the actual cost to the bar or restaurant. An increase of $5 would be 12.5 times the cost.
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