‘Tis the season for being thankful, and we’re gearing up for our big feast here in the Midwest today. We at Econlib have a lot to be thankful for… And what we’re most thankful for, is YOU. If you all didn’t keep reading, listening, watching, and sharing, we wouldn’t be here long. So, thank you, very much indeed.
Of course, we’re also thankful for this great tribe of individuals who contribute to Econlib. Our bloggers here at EconLog Bryan Caplan, David Henderson, Scott Sumner, Alberto Mingardi, Pierre Lemieux, and our many contributing friends our their hearts into what they write. Thanks. And thanks to EconTalk host Russ Roberts, who somehow manages to bring lovely content and conversation to us week. Thanks, Russ. And there are lots of folks who work hard behind the scenes here, too. Thanks also to Lauren Landsburg, Jim Cote, Rich Goyette, and Katie D’Amour. And last but certainly not least, all of us are grateful to the support of our parent organization, Liberty Fund, who keeps letting us do what we do.
Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the States? Check out this piece on our sister site, Law and Liberty to learn about its history. William Leggett wrote briefly about Americans’ observance of the holiday in his Democratick Editorials. And Scott Sumner wrote about it just this morning, too.
So how do you practice gratitude? People approach gratitude in a variety of ways. Gratitude journals, for example, are popular. And some people take the time to share their gratitude n writing to others, like this week’s EconTalk guest, A.J. Jacobs, who’s written over one thousand thank you notes. The focus of Jacobs’s book is his morning cup of coffee…but it’s a long-celebrated story. There is the famous “I, Pencil” written by Leonard Read, and of course Adam Smith spoke about he manufacture of a woolen coat. Of course he also wrote in some detail about a pin factory. You might want to explore this interactive of that pin factory on our newest sister site, AdamSmithWorks.
So thanks again for sharing part of your days with us, and do let us hear from you… or maybe meet you face-to-face someday! And if you’re really interested in engaging in civil conversation in a face-to-face format, you don’t want to miss out on what our friends at the Center for the Study of Liberty are doing. Consider contacting them today, and find an opportunity to gather with (new) friends and broaden your thinking. You’ll be grateful for the experience, we’re sure.
Scott Sumner
Nov 22 2018 at 9:52pm
I’m thankful for an opportunity to blog at Econlog.
Pierre Lemieux
Nov 23 2018 at 10:51am
I second Scott.
Jon Murphy
Nov 23 2018 at 12:19pm
I’m thankful for this website which has been a constant source of advancement/learning for me: from my days as an undergrad where the CEE helped me pass courses, to my days as an early grad student where the CEE (again) helped me pass my exams, and to my early days as an academic by providing me with my first publication and fascinating articles that sharpen my thinking and provide great readings for my classes. I am forever in your debt!
Amy Willis
Nov 23 2018 at 2:04pm
Thank you so much, Jon!
David Henderson
Nov 23 2018 at 4:07pm
Like Scott and Pierre, I’m thankful for this opportunity also. The EconLog format makes it possible to do a few paragraphs on something or, at the other extreme, write multiple paragraphs with lots of links. It’s so much more flexible than, say, writing op/eds that have to be between 500 and 700 words.
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