One week from today, I’ll be at the world’s most important conference on advanced game theory and experimental economics: GenCon. My dream is to make it the Schelling point around which creative social scientists gather. Who’s with me?
One week from today, I’ll be at the world’s most important conference on advanced game theory and experimental economics: GenCon. My dream is to make it the Schelling point around which creative social scientists gather. Who’s with me?
Aug 5 2006
Libertarian Jeff Miron asks, In what sense is Democratic predominance a problem? And what "market failure" is responsible? Perhaps the truth is that many conservatives do not really believe in competition; instead they want conservative ideas imposed because these ideas are not doing well in the marketplace. I thin...
Aug 3 2006
I know less about Los Angeles, the city I grew up in, than any other place I've ever lived. Throughout my childhood, my dad's mantra was, "Goddammit, we're not going to downtown L.A.!" I always assumed drive time was the issue, but during my last visit, I made it from my childhood home to Hollywood in 25 minutes. Pu...
Aug 3 2006
One week from today, I'll be at the world's most important conference on advanced game theory and experimental economics: GenCon. My dream is to make it the Schelling point around which creative social scientists gather. Who's with me?
Mark Nau
Aug 3 2006 at 3:28pm
Among many other activities, I’ll be there conducting a experiment on “Increasing the Collective Utility of a Shared Fictitious Universe through Application of Pirate Garb.”
Aug 3 2006 at 5:16pm
Shiver me timbers if that bain’t a foine idea.
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