This Wednesday, February 9, I’ll be giving at talk at UC Berkeley. Title: The Costs of War. The talk is sponsored by the Students for Liberty, UC Berkeley. The details are here.
This Wednesday, February 9, I’ll be giving at talk at UC Berkeley. Title: The Costs of War. The talk is sponsored by the Students for Liberty, UC Berkeley. The details are here.
Feb 7 2011
Are you tired of having naked pictures taken of you and/or being groped at the airport in this "land of the free," but still worried about a terrorist hijacking of the airplane you're on? Is there a way out of this dismal tradeoff? Actually, yes. Bob Murphy tells you how to have more security, more freedom, and mor...
Feb 7 2011
1. AOL buys Huffington Post for over $300 million. I did not realize that April 1st came in February. 2. A License to Shampoo. The WSJ covers a topic that would be my focus is somebody made me "jobs czar." Or Constitution czar. 3. Russ Roberts and I talk about the PSST paradigm. I have not listened yet, bu...
Feb 7 2011
This Wednesday, February 9, I'll be giving at talk at UC Berkeley. Title: The Costs of War. The talk is sponsored by the Students for Liberty, UC Berkeley. The details are here.
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