In January of 2001, I wrote,
You no longer need to plan and manage large capital expenditures, so you do not need a large bureaucracy. What I expect the Internet to generate is an increase in the number of small businesses, and a reduction in the proportion of the population employed in large enterprises.
I have been looking through some of my early essays in order to try to trace my gradual evolution toward Austrian economics. I did not really learn any actual Austrian economics (other than the theory of capital as roundabout production) until a few years ago, and I am still mostly illiterate in the great works on the subject.
What I had going for me was an intuitive sense that trial-and-error learning and bureaucratic planning are two ways to handle innovation in a complex world. The large organizational planning process, which I termed the Dilbert sector, tries to filter out error in advance through analysis and group politics. The trial-and-error process is decentralized.
I also had a sense that people have different models of reality. I called this Halberstam’s Law, because it is one of the lessons that I drew from his book The Best and the Brightest.
Somehow, instead of internalizing the strong assumptions about human cognition that are implicit in the mainstream economics that I was taught at MIT, I have consistently been intrigued by human capacity for error and misunderstanding. I believe that is part of the foundation for Hayek’s thought as well, which may explain how I ended up moving in the Austrian direction.
Lee Waaks
Nov 13 2011 at 10:05am
Your comments suggest you would enjoy reading Jeffrey Freidman’s & Wladimir Kraus’ new book, _Engineering the Crisis_. They argue that radical ignorance on the part of regulators and market participants paved the way for the recession. Regulation is one-size-fits-all, but the market process is trial and error at the level of the firm and is not likely to generate systemic errors. I would love to see a review on Econlog.
J Storrs Hall
Nov 13 2011 at 10:26am
I’d be very surprised if Hayek hadn’t had interactions with Herb Simon, of bounded rationality fame. I have proceedings of early cybernetics and AI conferences where he is listed as an attendee, particularly the self-organizing systems ones.
Nov 13 2011 at 10:38am
‘What I had going for me was an intuitive sense that trial-and-error learning and bureaucratic planning are two ways to handle innovation in a complex world.’
I wonder if you’ve read Tom Slee’s review of Adapt, which is a very good critique of this false dichotomy.
Rick Hull
Nov 13 2011 at 12:28pm
I am particularly reminded of William Easterly’s distinction between planners and searchers:
Arnold Kling
Nov 13 2011 at 1:09pm
I have had a number of posts on Friedman and his book. See here, for example.
Troy Camplin
Nov 14 2011 at 10:24am
I came to Austrian economics through chaos theory, complexity, cybernetics, self-organization, network theory, far-from-equilibrium theory, evolution, and evolutionary psychology. It’s the economics that makes the most sense, by far, in that light.
Cahal Moran (@CahalMoran)
Nov 16 2011 at 6:37am
If you are interested in complex mathematics as applied to economics then you might enjoy David Orell’s Economyths.
I’m not jumping to any conclusions, but I find many Austrians have an anti-government bias. If you do you won’t like that book, but if you are genuinely interested in complex phenomena, no matter the policy conclusions, then you will enjoy it.
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