Robin Hanson proposed a Capital Day to complement Labor Day. In that spirit, I suggest a Foreigner Day to complement the world’s ubiquitous National Days and Independence Days. Here’s how Robin explains the point of Capital Day:
as on Labor Day we may pause to notice the busboy who would usually
escape our notice, today let us notice the capital around us, without
which we would be impoverished and uncivilized. Let us also wonder if
we take capital too much for granted. Do we neglect the ways in which
we may discourage its creation or maintenance?
Similarly, just as on National Days you take the time to appreciate your nation’s virtues and accomplishments, the point of Foreigner Day is to appreciate other nations’ virtues and accomplishments. What can we learn from foreigners? In what ways should we emulate foreigners? Is it possible that we take foreigners for granted – or even mistreat them?
Foreigner Day is not about self-hatred, but the quest for self-improvement. Suppose your country is the best on Earth. It would still be miraculous if your country were the best in every respect. So why not examine the planet in all its variety and see how yours can improve? And needless to say, half the world’s countries are, by definition, worse than most countries on Earth. Foreigner Day, for them, is a time to humbly look beyond their borders for solutions their own culture has failed to originate.
Foreigner Day is a simultaneously a celebration of both multiculturalism and Western civilization. Like multiculturalism, it takes seriously the fact that almost every culture has something of value to share with the world. But it also embraces Western civilization at its best: Universalism, or, as I call it, openness to awesomeness.
Robin suggests celebrating Capital Day half a year away from Labor Day. In the absence of a better idea, I suggest celebrating Foreigner Day every January 4th, half a year away from the 4th of July.
Jan 24 2015 at 1:00am
Hmm. As an immigrant to the US, something about ‘Foreigner Day’ doesn’t sound very uplifting to me. I am not a marketing/PR person, but I would think focus groups would want a more uplifting, universal term. I remember, “I’d like to teach the world to sing”, which felt at the time uplifting, today probably schmaltzy. Head over to the GMU marketing department for an assist.
Rich Berger
Jan 24 2015 at 7:28am
Maybe the Moslem countries could have an Infidel’s Day when the celebrate Judaism and Christianity among others.
Jan 24 2015 at 12:41pm
I like “Foreigner Day”. It’s meaning is obvious, and the word foreigner suggests we focus on what we might learn from people who are feeling out of place.
I don’t think immigrants are foreigners. Immigrants are Americans.
JK Brown
Jan 24 2015 at 2:10pm
Wouldn’t ‘Foreigner Day’ lead to cultural appropriation? Isn’t that supposedly a bad thing, at least for Western Civilization?
But it is a good idea as long as it was a day to notice, not just celebrate diversity.
Jan 24 2015 at 6:17pm
You seem to have timed your proposal to maximally test our (your readers’) attention spans. But perhaps that provides time to improve the PR as Hana notes is needed.
Jan 25 2015 at 7:12am
Bryan, you might be the absolute last person who should ever run for office. [And I think that’s a huge compliment!]
Jan 25 2015 at 10:42am
How about a day to celebrate the Lacanian Other?
In all seriousness, I love the idea of both Capital Day and Foreigner Day, though I concur the name needs work. Unfortunately, at this point foreigner is virtually a pejorative.
Why don’t we try to co-opt Earth Day by rebranding it as less about the environment and more about the value of cosmopolitanism? The environmentalists can even keep their energy saving campaigns because it’s easy to see reducing emissions in terms of reducing negative externalities on other nations who we tend to exclude from our CBAs.
Michael Crone
Jan 25 2015 at 11:43am
Worse by what metric?
If countries are shaped by the values of their citizens, then most countries would be better than the median by their own values.
Even if one believes in objective moral truth (as I do), then one must believe this truth is or can be translated to a single dimension (which I don’t believe) to rank the countries “best” to “worst”.
I think you had it right before this sentence, there are always aspects on which we could learn from others. In general, I like Foreigner Day, or whatever it gets named.
David Ray
Jan 26 2015 at 11:40pm
Needless for me to say, but I can’t resist, half the world’s countries cannot, mathematically, be worse than most of the world’s countries.
Mr. Econotarian
Jan 27 2015 at 3:04pm
“Foreigner Day” sounds like the day you blast “I Want To Know What Love Is” on your stereo…
Here are some existing suggestions:
December 18, designated “International Migrants Day” by the United Nations (
October 28, 2008 as National Immigrant’s Day (
May 19 “Immigrant Day” in California (
April 11, “Connecticut Immigrant Day” (
Andrew M
Feb 2 2015 at 9:15pm
I also want a Division of Labor Day!
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