Attention undergraduates and undergraduate educators – one week remains to submit papers for the 5th annual Carl Menger Essay Contest!
The purpose of the contest is to recognize and encourage undergraduate scholarship in the Austrian tradition and the broadly catallactic approach to social science which it represents. By this we mean an approach common to the Scottish Enlightenment of Adam Smith and David Hume, the French Liberal School of Say and Bastiat, the Virginia School of Buchanan and Tullock, the UCLA price theory of Alchian and Demsetz, and the Bloomington School of Vincent and Elinor Ostrom, among others. We invite essays that explore, advance, challenge, or apply the ideas of these and related schools of thought.
Three winners will each receive $500 conditional on attending and presenting at the Society for the Development of Austrian Economics annual meetings at the Southern Economic Association conference. The conference is November 19-21, 2016 at the JW Marriott in Washington, DC. Accommodations will be provided at the conference hotel and the cost of the SDAE dinner will be covered. Winners are responsible for registration. Travel scholarships may be available.
Past winners have gone on to do PhDs in economics and publish their papers in academic journals such as Rationality and Society and Studies in Emergent Order. More information on the contest and how to submit your essay is available here.
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