I’m ending my seminar class on The Case Against Education with a game. Students earn participation credit by volunteering to take a random Ideological Turing Test. How it works:
First, roll a d20 (20-sided die) to determine the topic:
1. What was school like for you personally?
2. Why does so much education seem to irrelevant in the real
3. “Locked-in Syndrome”
4. Transfer of Learning
5. Ability Bias
6. IQ testing, U.S. law, and the labor market
7. The sheepskin effect
8. Malemployment
9. Employer learning
10. Human capital, signaling, and ability bias: What’s the
correct breakdown?
11. What’s the selfish return to education?
12. What’s the social return to education?
13. What’s the best reason to go to college?
14. What’s the best reason not to go to college?
15. How much should government support education?
16. What kind of education should government support?
17. Social Desirability Bias
18. Child labor
19. Education as a merit good
20. Is education good for the soul?
Then, roll a d10 (ten-sided die) to determine the Perspective.
1. Bryan Caplan
2. David Card
3. Tyler Cowen
4. Fabian Lange
5. Eric Hanushek
6. James Heckman
7. Paul Krugman
8. Greg Mankiw
9. Barack Obama
10. Random GMU undergrad
The goal, as usual, is to accurately mimic the Perspective on the Topic. Getting students to participate is normally like pulling teeth, but 15% of my class grade is based on participation. So perhaps we’ll see fireworks…
Participating student
Nov 28 2017 at 4:08pm
Does the 9 individuals have distinct perspectives on each of the 20 topics? or do they fall into categories?
Maximum Liberty
Dec 4 2017 at 7:40pm
I rarely watch videos on academic subjects, because reading is so much faster. But I’d watch a video of this particular seminar session.
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