If, like Mike Huemer, you oppose both gun control and immigration restrictions, you’ll appreciate this fine piece of ridicule from Chris Rasch:
Just imagine what would happen if we relaxed gun laws. Poor people
would buy guns. Uneducated people would buy guns. Many of them would
commit crimes. Do you really want poor, uneducated people owning a gun
in your neighborhood? Just look at how many of them already buy guns
illegally! We can’t allow people who disrespect our laws to own a gun!
Only until we’ve secured the existing black market in guns, can we
possibly consider increasing legal gun ownership.You say you’re at risk from a stalker? You own a convenience store
in a bad neighborhood? Well, that’s no excuse for disobeying the law.
You should stand in line with everyone else. Or hire a security guard.
Or maybe you should’ve treated your ex better or spent a little more
time cleaning up your neighborhood. If you had, maybe you wouldn’t need
a gun in the first place.
If you’ve spent your life in latte-land, you may not get the joke. Just imagine making this argument to a recreational border guard with a gun collection, and all will be clear.
Art Carden
Apr 22 2009 at 3:30pm
Latte-land? Where’s that?
Apr 22 2009 at 4:20pm
“Poor people would buy guns. Uneducated people would buy guns. Many of them would commit crimes.”
Hey, he’s describing most of my home state! And almost all of them own an arsenal, but very few commit crimes.
Mike Moffatt
Apr 22 2009 at 5:05pm
“Latte-land? Where’s that?”
It’s next door to Homer Simpson’s Land-of-Chocolate.
Steve Sailer
Apr 22 2009 at 5:13pm
Have you allowed any facts about immigration to penetrate your consciousness since Julian Simon stopped writing books?
Here’s a basic question: How many people on Earth live in countries with lower mean per capita incomes (PPP) than Mexico?
Just post your guess below.
Apr 22 2009 at 5:26pm
Here’s a basic question: How many people on Earth live in countries with lower mean per capita incomes (PPP) than Mexico?
Approximately five billion. Big number. Really scary. Here’s a counter-question. How many internal immigrants (that is, people who moved from the countryside to the coastal areas because of the better opportunities there) are there in China right now?
Garrett Harmon
Apr 23 2009 at 1:31am
I think we crashed Mike Huemer’s site and used up all of his bandwidth. Now I can’t read his articles. 🙁
Apr 23 2009 at 2:04pm
Why would we want to have more poor and uneducated people enter the neighborhood?
Apr 23 2009 at 11:25pm
Why would we want to have more poor and uneducated people enter the neighborhood?
Posted April 23, 1865 2:04 PM
Ben Kalafut
Apr 24 2009 at 1:44am
Why would we want to have more poor and uneducated people enter the neighborhood?
It oughtn’t be a matter of “we” or “us” deciding anything, because that would mean that we were second-guessing the market, and in a way that Hume showed long ago is to our detriment.
Someone wants to move in due to some economic pressures, has no serious criminal record, doesn’t carry Ebola, let him move in at his own risk.
Jacob Oost
Apr 24 2009 at 3:51am
In the same way that many otherwise economically on-the-ball people can go all emotional and lose their heads when it comes to international trade (i.e., protectionist, free-trade-hating, self-described “free market” Republican types), many libertarians are jaw-droppingly tone deaf and naive when it comes to issues of defense or maintaining the rule of law.
Larry Peoples, Sr.
Apr 26 2009 at 3:47pm
Why would we want to have more poor and uneducated people enter the neighborhood?
C’mon. So we can get A.C.O.R.N. or La Raza to come and inject some stimulus money!!
P.S. – Latte-land is near Seattle!
Apr 30 2009 at 3:52pm
[Comment removed for supplying false email address and for rudeness. Email the webmaster@econlib.org to request restoring your comment privileges.–Econlib Ed.]
Apr 30 2009 at 9:22pm
In a post about ridiculing other people, I find a certain irony in the censorship.
That’s okay, you can keep the comment, and it’s your prerogative. I’m glad you read it and I hope you consider the point.
If you think I’m giving you the ability to spam me so I can have the privilege of correcting your errors for your readers- no way.
Still, have a great day.
Comments are closed.